Join CodeRedTO, Metrolinx, CivicAction, and TTCriders to talk about the future of public transit in the GTHA. Note we are listed as an expert but while CodeRedTO shares information found in research, please note that we do not have expert urban planning or transit engineering knowledge.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 6-8 pm
Dufferin/St. Clair Library 1625 Dufferin Street
Expanding public transit in our region is a pressing need. There is a plan (The Big Move) and there have been consultations from the province’s regional transit planning agency Metrolinx, the City of Toronto and civic groups.
Now we want to hear from Ward 17 residents.
To pay for the new buses, LRTs and subways, should government create new revenue tools? Pay for it with taxes? Raise fares?
This is a chance for Ward 17 residents to hear from experts about the region’s pressing needs, the plans to build transit, and the options to pay for it. And like every Civic17 event, it’s a chance for residents to connect with each other and share their own views.
Expert Panel:
Dina Graser, Metrolinx
Luca De Franco, TTCriders
Cameron MacLeod, CodeRedTO
Linda Wichel, CivicAction
Invited to share their position:
Councillor Palacio
MPP Jonah Schein
MP Andrew Cash
For more information visit: